Tag Archives: Plants

Lovely leafy greens

I’m planting some tasty greens for autumn/winter soups – a few Asian greens I’ve never tasted individually- tatsoi, yukina, and mizuna red and kale because it’s an incredible superfood.

Also one of my old favourite Dragon’s Tongue Beans. I love the name as much as their beauty.

I’m quite excited as I like growing things that aren’t easily available in the shops and it should be a great learning experience in the garden and kitchen!





Mizuna Red




Dragons Tongue Beans


Native Frangipani

We have two beautiful trees in our front garden and I’ve managed to find out that they are native frangipani’s. There is nothing to me, more exciting that finding out what grows in the garden when you move house.

Native frangipani seeds
Hymenosporum flavum - Native frangipani seeds

They are such beautiful trees with fragrant flowers, so I took the opportunity of some seed saving, particular after reading that the plants can be hard to find.  The seeds are a thing of beauty in themselves.